that's a bit pay2win but maybe something like this:
1$ - some supplies like 25 herbs, or 50 fdbs or 50 logs etc, pots or food.
1$ - a nice sig made by arkangel (you can tell me what you would like to be included)
5$ + - donator rank and like 1.3x drop rate.
7$ - a vesta weapon or stat weapon 500x morrigans spears or 500x morrigans axe or zuriels staff, ags or claws.
8$ - a ingame title (warchief etc)
9$ - a ingame CUSTOM title (jewhater etc)
1-10$ - A single decor item you would like (no combat helping items) (price depending on the pimpness of the item) so like desert boots would be like 1$ and a santa would be like 5$ and a phat would be 9 bucks etc etc.
15$ - A 99 skill.
15$ - A piece of ANY (G) or (T) item
15$ - bandos, arma armor.
17$ - a set of vesta, statius, morrigans or zuriels armor/ zaryte bow
18$ - one item you would like (anything)
25$ - pernix, torva or virtus.
28$ - any dungeoneering set of equipment
30$ - a donator island JUST FOR YOU C:
*the reason i set these prices and items is because players don't want pay-items to ruin economy, we shouldn't make them so cheap, but so expensive noone wants it. Also, i HATE the idea of GWD or BOSS drops to be a few bucks because the rest of people that don't pay and like doing PVM will lose out*
vote system reward - 2.5m, 28 rocks, 2 sara brews and 4 sup restores.
we should have mod vouches too C:
10 vouches: tomato and nexlk will discuss if you should be eligible for Player Mod
20 vouches: tomato and nexlk will discuss if you should be eligible for Admin C:
vouch system:
-report a character for wrongdoing botting or worse (1 vouch, will get less if more players join.) and don't try to make fake accounts because nexlk and tomato can see your IP.
-bug/severe glitch report: 1-3 vouches depending on severity.
-helping a person out (with decent proof and person at least plays for longer than 5 days) .5 vouch.
-if you are caught doing something wrong or taking advantage of someone or something (just being bad in general) 1 or more mod vouch(s) will be taken away depending on severity.
-helping out when nexlk or tomato needs to (ex. promo vid or new website or new banner) 1-2 vouch.
-helping nexlk or tomato code something fairly important (2 vouches.)
-donating at least 3$ is necessary. im not trying to make it p2win mod but it shows you care for the server somewhat.
-if you are caught being a jew you will lose ALL your vouches.
- Spoiler:
Jokes lol